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About love and horror

 About love and horror
Categories: Love words

About Love and Terror

As soon as my dear friend (Muhammad Sami), the owner of “Dar Laila” asked me to write an article about (The Bear and Terror), I found it easy.. We are all afraid of bears.. Imagine two lovers sitting and whispering. At the zoo, they discover that the one listening to them amusedly is not an informant, but rather a huge grizzly bear. The most beautiful thing is for a girl to fall in love with this bear and abandon her lover. I wrote an excellent article about this and sent it to (Mohamed Sami), and I found him calling me. He was embarrassed but firm. He told me what it means that I heard the topic of the article wrong.. The topic of the article is (Medicine and Horror). Medicine and horror? .. I understood.. Medicine is terrifying enough.. From the doctor’s perspective, there is an indescribable horror called the oral exam. When you stand outside the committee and watch the bloody, torn corpses that are thrown outside the exam room, and you know that your turn will inevitably come.. There is no escape.. There is The patient was terrified of the doctor with his cold, silent look that concealed undoubted anxiety.. And.. And so I wrote an excellent article and sent it to (Mohamed Sami). Since Muhammad became a professional publisher, important changes have occurred in him: his eyes began to emit sparks, he developed a small belly, and he sometimes gnaws at authors' throats, but this is not a usual behavior, fortunately. The bottom line is that he had become a publisher, one of those you read about in stories, but he called me and was polite in that way that says without words: “You are a senile old man,” and explained to me that the subject of the article was (love and horror). He told me that the article I sent was excellent despite this, and I knew from the sound of the rustling of the papers that he said what he said as he threw it in the garbage. Love and terror...oh hello! ..Why didn't you say that, brother? .. Very beautiful.. The connection between the two words is common almost everywhere, and the reason, of course, is their similarity.. love and war, love and horror.. but in terms of meaning and connotations, there is a really strong connection. A connection so strong that it became boring. Do you want a boring, boring, nightmarish, dirty study documented with references that will destroy my nerves and yours? .. Or do we make the carpet Ahmadi and talk about the thoughts that mean to me in the style of (My aunt came to us when I was nine years old, and she made tomato jam for us, but it tasted disgusting)? .. I think, from what I know about you, that you prefer strict, boring studies, and that is why I will choose the other solution! Since I knew that there is such a thing in the world as love, and I associate it with horror, fear, or anticipation, we value ourselves and believe that we deserve to be loved. This is the idea that has been bothering us since we were in the cradle. When we grow up, we fear that our idea of ourselves is wrong. Perhaps we are not worthy of love. Perhaps we are uglier, uglier, stupid, or too weak to be liked by others. Thus, the first meeting is as terrifying as it is enjoyable. Your first test in whose eyes? .. In the eyes of the only person whose opinion matters to you in the entire universe. I wish my voice was more beautiful.. I wish my nose was smaller.. I wish my stature was taller.. I wish I were.. I wish I was someone else. The truth that I learned over time is that if the other party notices your faults, he will never love you, and there is no need to waste time. As Ahmed Ragab says: “When love comes, it brings with it glasses and a nose mask that make you unable to see the faults of the one you love.” Thus, if the other party loves you, he will see in your bravado - not taking offense - an elegant chivalric touch, and in the smell of your sweat an endearing masculine character. In my early youth, I loved a girl who had a rather large nose, who never stopped using a handkerchief, and who had a cold all the time. Frankly, it has become difficult to see beauty in any girl who does not have some of these characteristics (and this is not a joke, by the way)... In short, there is no need to be afraid. If the other party really loves you, he will love you as you are. If he does not love you, do not bother even if you become Brad Pitt himself. Despite this opinion, the genius Sudanese poet (Al-Hadi Adam) meets with (Abdul Wahab) and (Umm Kulthum) to say: I will meet you tomorrow?! Oh my heart's fear of tomorrow, oh my longing and burning while waiting for the date! Oh, how I fear this tomorrow, and comfort it, the approach I was waiting for, but you gave it away when it frightened me, how wonderful! .. This is a poet.. God Almighty is a poet.. Poetry is what I feel and (shudder)... Even if you were (King Kong) himself and you - my kind miss - were Umm Sahloul, then a similar moment must have passed through you in your life in which you felt something. Himself. I have a story that I wrote when I was nineteen years old, called (A Terrible Encounter). I think it is interesting, and it sums up this situation exactly. I offered to Muhammad Sami to publish it here to fulfill the purpose of the topic, but sparks came from his eyes and he said in the publishers’ bundles: “I will tell you an article.” “It’s not a story.” So I backed down and said to him: “Haha, haha, I was just joking.” Then comes the second part of the horror: What if the one I love abandons me? ...Why wasn't his smile the same as it used to be? .. There is a faint ghost that clouded this smile, distorting it.. Why? This is how you spend your nights worrying... in fact, you are afraid... very afraid. Love and horror? .. Talk to me about love and horror from a purely literary perspective. Romance is a complex school that falls under one heading, which is escaping reality... escaping from the gloomy factory smoke of the days of the industrial revolution in Europe, and from the age of reason. Here the Romantic school gives birth to a small, scorned school. The school of horror is the Gothic. Here, too, horror and love come together... Madame Mary Shelley is the wife of Shelley, the great British poet. When you write a story, you write about Dr. Frankenstein, who brought a corpse back to life with electric shocks. The story itself raises many questions: The monster was meek and obedient, so why did he become so ferocious and mad? .. Because he was deprived of love.. He was deprived of the love of the father who expelled him and he was deprived of the love of a woman, and so he decided to be terrifying and make everyone miserable. The transformation of the height of love into the height of hatred is a common thing, and you will find deprivation of love a constant clause in the life of everyone. A serial killer. As for the stories of lovers who thwart their love by sticking a knife in their beloved’s chest or throwing a bottle of fire water in her face (I don’t know where they get the fire water from), they are repeated on the events page with a strange urgency. This is why I find the saying (he who loves does not hate), which old women say, devoid of meaning and actually worthy of them. We return to world literature, where we see the climax of love turning into horror with Hecliffe, the hero of Wuthering Heights. (Emily Brontë) herself was a British spinster who was deprived of love, and treated herself with extraordinary cruelty. Part of this crazy, black, spoiled atmosphere was reflected in her writings, and that is why everyone who reads (Wuthering Heights) admires the author’s genius, but does not hide that he felt suffocated and suffocated. A psychologically unstable lover who has lost his love becomes an imminent danger. Excessive attachment is frightening, and there is a moment in which the loved one realizes that the matter is excessive and disturbing and tries to break free, then......... There is a truly scary movie, despite its not being famous, which is (Play Misty for Me) about a lonely, complicated girl who fell in love. The handsome TV announcer (Clint Eastwood) - for one thing - and surrounded him with her calls and her request for a specific tune, called (Misty). Of course, the broadcaster decided to have a fleeting adventure with her... (the story of one night) as the Americans say, and it ended and we won't stop you from doing so... but for the girl, nothing ends easily... she chases him, turns his life into hell, and kills those he loves. In fact, she seems to be above reality itself... present everywhere... and seeing everything... There is a terrifying short story by Stephen King called “Know What You Want” about a girl who is pursued by a lustful lover. The strange thing is that he grants her everything she desires at any moment and before she speaks. At first you feel grateful, then terrified. Of course, it turns out that he is a satanic man (not ok) and practices voodoo magic. In 1981, I wrote a poem about this meaning, which says at the beginning: I have decided that I love you... There is no shelter... and no escape! No matter how healthy you are, who will save you from me when I want? No matter what you say, resist, or try to forget... I will never forget... and there is no escape!! No matter how much you delight in knocking...or nodding at all...and no matter how good you turn around...or how upset you murmur...there is no point. I am at every turn.. I am in the dance of dreams.. and even in every nap..! Of course, it is terrifying words and it dries up the blood, which is why, of course, no girl read this poem except that she burst into tears and her family went to file a report for not repeating the oath against me. Never mind that these are poets' hallucinations, of course. These are words worthy of being written by Hulagu, not me. But I had lost control over the tap of emotions inside me, especially seeing her not stopping blowing her nose on her tissue due to a sinus infection. This was stronger than me. The idea of the vampire deprived of love throughout the ages and across the centuries has been repeated very often, and Anne Rice put it ) She had her hand on it and registered it in the real estate registry, as it appears. We have all seen the movie (Encounter with the Vampire), and some of us have read (The Vampire Diaries). This is an idea that Westerners always like, although frankly I don't like it because I don't have the mood to feel the feelings of a vampire and feel pain with him. A vampire should be a terrifying and delicious nightmare, so please do not try to give him delicate human features. There is another image of love and terror, which is (the love of terror)... This is a topic that we talked about at some length in our series (I feel that Al-Aqqad is the one speaking... High cream). And although this angered some of our opponents against us, we thank God that we angered them and do not question Him. To turn their anger against us. Horror is extremely attractive, as you know, and I see no other name for this intense passion to be afraid except love. We love to be afraid. We love to be afraid of something that we know very well that it will not kill us or amputate our limbs. The final image of love and horror is... What is this? .. The article has been really long.. Brother (Mohamed Sami) looks at me with a firm look and caresses his mustache. There is a very important point that I have not touched upon yet, but I am unable to remember it.. (Muhammad Sami) actually started shooting sparks from his eyes, and this is another part of love and horror.. Being terrified while writing an article about love.. “Take your peace, Doctor. Even if you finish this article in 2014 as well, we are your little sisters.” He says it in a tone that undoubtedly indicates that I have no choice but to finish the article here and now. If I remember something else, I will contact the readers one by one to tell them what I forgot. Oh. God’s peace.. Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq from the book 7 Faces of Love
Categories: Love words
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